Sunday, December 24, 2017


Finding your ideal career is not easy, but the fact that you’re reading this article means that you’re a driven, motivated individual that’s willing to work hard for it. Good job! You’ve already gotten the first step down: To find the motivation.
So what’s next? Well, here are some essential steps to start finding your ideal career. It is recommended that you write your ideas down as you go to make it more concrete and easier to work with.
Define your passion
First, you need to do some self-assessment. What are some things that you like? What is it that drives you? It doesn’t have to be career- or industry-specific. Your motivation can be your simplest desires like “I like helping others” or “I like it when the numbers come together.” Landing a job that aligns with your passion will definitely boost your performance and leaves you feeling satisfied.
Define your strengths and weaknesses
Make a list of things that you’re good at and what you need to work on. You’ll more likely enjoy and succeed in a career that allows you to make use of your strengths. If you’re concerned that your ideal career path might not suit you because of your weakness, don’t be discouraged! In fact, good for you! Now you know what you need to work on and you’re one step closer to being in your ideal career.
Gain experience
You may have found it difficult to list your passion, strengths, and weaknesses. That’s ok! You’re not alone. You’ll need to give yourself some time to identify both your natural and learned skills. Take the time to understand your own potential. After gaining some experience, you’ll be better able to assess yourself and find a skill (or a combination of it) that you can capitalize on.
Define your priorities and career goals
Everyone has slightly different goals in life. Some will want to focus on their career growth, while others want to focus on learning new skills. If you’re focusing on your career growth, avoid the common mistake of prioritizing short-term improvements. What you want now may not be aligned with what you want five or ten years down the road. For example, don’t be swayed by a job promotion if it means that you’ll be stuck in a career path that you don’t want to be in.
Consider the work culture
Work culture may seem insignificant, but it actually matters more than some would think. Consider the work environment that would suit you best. What will your relationship with your coworkers look like? What style of company leadership do you look for? These things can contribute to whether you will enjoy a job or not. For example, some would enjoy working in a big corporate company while others thrive in smaller companies. Do your research. Find out if the work culture of the jobs in your career path would allow you to perform at your maximum potential.
Money is not everything
Yes, we all have to pay our bills. However, money shouldn’t be your primary goal. You’ll always want “a bit more.” You’ll never be content if your goal purely about gaining more money. Instead, think about what matters to you most. Do you want flexible work hours? What kind of lifestyle do you want to live? Revisit your values, life priorities, and career goals.
It’s always nice to be in your ideal career. But like everything nice, it will take time and effort. So put in those hours and don’t hold back on those sweat and tears! You might only land a decent job in the beginning, but rest assured, your efforts will pay off sooner or later. Best of luck!

Sunday, December 17, 2017


Did a recruiter suddenly stop responding to your emails? Are they not responding to you after you went to multiple interviews? Have you sent them polite emails and multiple phone calls for a month, but they’re still not getting back to you? Then you have been ‘ghosted.’
Ghosting is a pretty common occurrence not only in recruiting, but also in life. It’s when the other party ‘slowly fades away.’ If you find yourself being ghosted in the hiring process, here’s what you should do.
1. Mourn About It
Let it all out. Cry on your bed. Punch your pillows. It’s ok to feel upset. You have every right to feel that way. However, it’s important to do this privately. Share your pain and frustration with your closest friends and family, but don’t bring it to your social media. Venting through your social media is not the best option. It will demonstrate a lack of emotional control to your future employers and ruin your chances in the job hunt.

2a. Send a Firm Email Saying That This is Not Ok
Ghosting is an unprofessional business practice. Sending a firm email may not get you the job, but it might make you feel better. Recruiter Jane Ashen Turkewitz from .comrecruiting suggests sending an email like this:
“I would like to thank you for the opportunity to interview for the role of X. I was surprised, after my 7 rounds of interviews, to not hear anything regardless of my attempts to stay engaged.
Due to the lack of response, it’s a fair assumption that you have decided to move in another direction.  While I am disappointed, I certainly respect if someone more qualified entered the picture.
That said, isn’t it common courtesy to let a candidate know where he stands in the process, even if it’s a difficult conversation? A rejection is disappointing but ghosting shows a lack of leadership and empathy.
I hope one day, if you are in my shoes, interviewing for a new, exciting job, that you are not treated in such an unkind manner. Wishing you and yours continued success as I find success elsewhere.”
Be cautious about sending a firm email. Remember, send it only when you’re ready to move on from the job. Also, it’s best not to be too firm when you’ve only been to only one interview with them. Instead, you can them a small and polite note.
2b. You Can Also Not Do Anything
Please don’t go assuming that recruiters are evil. Not all of us are like this. Sometimes recruiters have no control over this. Sometimes being unresponsive can be a part of the recruiter’s job. Some companies have a “no feedback” policy. By not doing anything, you won’t be burning any bridges. It’s a good way to keep your options open with this company, especially if it’s a big company. 
3. Don’t Let It Affect Your Other Applications
Don’t start becoming impatient and keep asking questions to future recruiters. It’s best to always present your best self. Getting ghosted sucks, but it’s best to let it go. Yes, we realize that it’s much, much harder than it sounds. Every recruiting process is different. It’s best to simply learn from this experience to be prepared for when a recruiter ghosts you again.
Don’t be discouraged when you’re being ghosted. It happens more often than you’d think, but not all recruiters are like this. It doesn’t always mean that they’re not interested in you either. Getting ghosted can be very upsetting, but worst case scenario: You won’t end up in a company that lacks proper etiquette. If they’re treating you poorly from the start, who knows what else they would do to you.

Saturday, December 9, 2017


Some recruiters do not like candidates who job hop. They believe that job hoppers only cause an unnecessary increase in their turnover expenses. However, that is not always true. 
There are plenty of benefits that job hoppers can bring to your company. 
Why they make good hires
Job hoppers may bring benefits that can more than make up for your turnover expenses.
  • Fast learners
They are typically fast learners. Having had many jobs in a relatively short period of time, they have learned to be adaptable and adjust quickly to new environments. Since they’re easy to get onboard, they don’t require much time and effort to get up to speed.
  • Diverse skill sets
Job hoppers often have a wide range of both technical and soft skills. Having worked in different industries, they can tackle problems from a different perspective. They may also be familiar with different technologies that your company might benefit from. Job hoppers have developed strong interpersonal skills by working with a wide range of people and companies.
  • Bring new ideas
Job hoppers can bring new ideas. They can draw on their experiences from working with other companies to bring more innovative ideas and solutions to your company. This is something that loyal employees might lack. As a result, it prevents your company from being stale.
  • Wide social network
Job hoppers are more than just a deep well of knowledge and ideas. They have most likely built a wide business network. Having more business connections can only benefit your company. This can be anything from recruiting more quality candidates and finding more clients.
How to hire them and get them to settle at your company
Job hoppers are naturally ambitious and eager to gain new experience and/or climb the ranks. Retaining them can be difficult, just as it is difficult to attract and retain any top talent. 
  • Foster employee development
You can increase retention rates by implementing employee engagement programs. Talk and listen to your employees. Let them express their objectives. Then provide them with some strategic direction. Ambitious job hoppers are eager to learn. They seek guidance and will greatly appreciate your input. They will be more inclined to keep working with you if your company is a resourceful learning environment to them.
  • Facilitate advancement in the company
All employees want to be valued for their hard work and commitment. Job hoppers are the same. They crave continuous recognition of their contributions to the company. Create a rewarding and appealing work environment by recognizing their years of service, high performance, and continued excellence. Again, you have to listen to them closely. Take the time to understand their interests to create a recognition program that will truly resonate with them. Job hoppers will be more inclined to stay at your company if they feel valued.


Your negotiation position depends on your alternatives. When all else fails, don’t be discouraged! Take ‘No’ as an answer and recognise that it’s part of the growth process. ‘No’ can also mean ‘Not yet’. There are still other alternatives to salary that you can negotiate.
Better Work Conditions
Take this opportunity to negotiate for better work conditions. For example, if you feel like you’re unable to work at your full potential, consider requesting for a better workspace that would best suit your style. If you feel suffocated because of work, maybe you should ask for a more flexible schedule to accommodate for your life outside of work. If your job requires a long commute or would require you to relocate in the near future, consider asking for the option to work remotely. Lastly, if you feel that your title doesn’t fully encompass the scope of your role, you may also request for a better title.
– Workspace
– Work schedule
– Remote work option
– Job title
More Benefits
If better work conditions are not your cup-of-tea, consider requesting for more benefits. For example, think about what you need to stay physically and mentally healthy and ask for more paid time off. If you often pay a visit to the doctor, consider upgrading your health insurance. If you travel a lot for work purposes, ask for travel reimbursements to lighten your load. Lastly, if you’re looking to improve your qualifications, consider requesting for tuition reimbursement or professional development support.
– Paid time off
– Health insurance
– Travel reimbursement
– Educational opportunities
When presenting your counter offer, never negotiate through written communication! You should always counter offer in person or over the phone. Negotiations must always be engaging to both parties. Remember, this is an opportunity for you to think outside the box, so you’re not limited to the options mentioned above. It’s best to counter only once, so choose wisely. Figure out what’s most important to you and what your superiors are most likely willing to accept.
For more information on how and what to negotiate, visit 

Wednesday, November 22, 2017


Lance Winsaft San Diego Blog

Everyone is unique. Each one of us have our own strengths and weaknesses. We’ve all lead different paths in life. In truth, no one can be said to be actually “inexperienced.” Whether an applicant is fresh out of college or looking for a career change, you shouldn’t be worried about them being inexperienced. There are many opportunities for them to shine. So what should you look for in a good candidate?
Answer: Soft Skills
According to the Oxford Dictionary, soft skills are defined as the “Personal attributes that enable someone to interact effectively and harmoniously with other people.” While technical ability can be taught, soft skills are much harder to instill in a person. Employees that lack soft skills can undermine your company’s success. On the other hand, soft skills that complement hard skills are what makes an applicant truly valuable.
Here are some skills that you should consider looking for in candidates:
  • Communication skills
  • Ability to work in a team
  • Dependability and reliability
  • Problem-solving and critical thinking
  • Initiative
  • Adaptability
  • Good business ethics
  • Innovative spirit
  • Willingness to learn
Where to Look for Soft Skills
Now that we know what to look for in a candidate, there are several methods to assess whether a candidate will make a good employee.
Reviews from Contacts
What better way to assess a candidate’s personal qualities than to ask someone who knows them? Talk to their previous employers and find out about the candidate’s work ethics. Were they responsive? Were they able to communicate well with their coworkers? You can also give a call to their friends or relatives, but there’s a good chance that they have biased opinions. So communicating with a candidate’s previous work contacts is the best option.
Previous Experiences
Mark Murphy, the founder of Leadership IQ and a NY Times bestselling author, found that “high performers … are naturally wired to put others’ needs ahead of their own.” Whereas low performers will get their job done, they’re only doing it because they’re told to do so. On the other hand, high performers go above and beyond because they “find passion working toward something bigger than themselves.” They have what Mark calls the “helper” attitude. A good way for a candidate to demonstrate the “helper” attitude is if they find volunteer experiences truly rewarding.
Preparation in Recruiting Process
Lastly, a good way to judge a candidate’s personality is through how prepared they are during the application process. A candidate who’s not afraid to take the initiative to ask questions and comes well prepared to the interviews is very likely to help your company succeed.


What is candidate experience?
Candidate experience is how a job seeker reacts to a company’s recruiting process. There are hundreds of articles out there on how to improve candidate experience. It’s a topic that’s been gaining much popularity in the recruiting world, but why does it matter? There are billions of people out there looking for jobs. Surely, companies will eventually find one that qualifies for the job, right? Not so fast! Here are 3 reasons why you should treat your candidates as valuable as your customers.
Candidate experience > Employment brand 
All companies strive to improve their brand reputation. However, your reputation as employers should not be overlooked. A company cannot build a strong brand reputation if the people, including your valued customers, learns that its employees and candidates are not treated right. A poor candidate experience will set back your efforts on building that solid brand reputation. Creating a strong reputation starts from giving a delightful candidate experience.
Attract top talent
Improving your candidate experience builds a strong employment brand. In turn, a strong employment brand attracts talented candidates. Candidates have worked very hard to earn their degrees and gain valuable work experiences. They don’t deserve to be left in the dark or given vague responses. Talented candidates know their value and want to be treated right. Giving candidates a pleasant experience allow them to shine. They’ll be better able to show their strengths and you’ll be better able to pick the right candidates.
Attract more customers
Yes, you read it right. Candidates who’ve enjoyed their application process will share their positive experiences. This is an opportunity to build a positive image for your company to attract more customers. Kevin W. Grossman, vice president of Talent Board, has spent many years in the world of talent management. He found that having a positive candidate experience can positively impact the direct revenue for consumer-based businesses.
Treating your candidates right will not only build a strong employment brand, it will also help you attract more valuable candidates. Furthermore, it helps you attract more customers, thus increasing your company’s revenue. Start improving your candidate experience. What’s there to lose?

Lance Winsaft San Diego Blog

Saturday, November 11, 2017


Retaining employees can have a huge impact on your company. Dr. John Sullivan from San Francisco State University have found that employee retention can lead to huge changes to your turnover. As we all know, turnover is a huge issue and the ability to impact turnover is a key to increase stability, growth, and success. However, few employers have invested enough time and effort into retaining their employees. 
Neglecting employee retention will result in numerous negative impacts. When an employee leaves a position vacant, their work is either pushed onto their coworkers or left uncompleted, which results in the loss of productivity within the company. This also costs employers a significant amount of time as there will be paperwork to finish, exit interviews to execute, and tasks to reallocate. Furthermore, if a key employee were to leave your company, others might follow. It is also difficult to replace key employees. Click on here to learn more about the effects of retaining employees on your company’s turnovers. 
One of the most neglected activities in companies is giving new employee orientations. However, did you know that giving orientations is the first step to increasing your employee retention rate? Day one orientation is your company’s first true impression on a new employee. They may have gotten to know you a bit via interviews but it is on Day one that they get a feel for your business the first time. 
New employee orientations will not only reduce their anxiety, it will also save supervisors valuable time. New employees who have been properly introduced to their new jobs will be less likely to seek help while still producing quality results. Orientations also help set proper expectations for new employees and introduce them to the values and culture of the organization. Most importantly, orientations will make employees feel more valued by their employers. Take advantage of this opportunity and it will go a long way!  Click here   to learn more on how to give effective employee orientations.
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Saturday, November 4, 2017


Small Business Seeds
Forrest Gump, the movie, greatly impacted me when it came out several years ago.
I still remember its many inspirational scenes and messages. Of course, there’s the very famous line, “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.”
That expression has almost become an icon in our culture, and I’m sure it has helped those who resonate with it deal with what life has “given” them. Even so, I can’t say that I 100% agree with this message.
I like to believe that I’m gonna get from life what I put into it. To me, “Life is like a garden. You reap what you sow.” But my point is that expressions, positive or negative, go a long way in establishing patterns of thoughts and belief systems, many of which ultimately “run” our life.
What is the main belief system or thought pattern that you have about your small business? 
Is it something like, “Running a business is hard and only few succeed?” Or is it something like, “My business will prosper to the degree that I honor my vision?”
We consciously or unconsciously entertain many thoughts and beliefs, and for the most part we are not very aware that these thought patterns are impacting our reality. But they are literally giving birth to action and through these actions, our thoughts and belief systems create our reality!!
What if we related to thoughts and belief systems as the seeds with which we are planting the garden called our business? I’m sure you’ve come across this garden analogy many times.
Let’s dig into the weeds with this idea and discover how we can reap the kind of rewarding harvest from our efforts that we so desire.
Think about what allows the most accomplished gardeners to have an amazing harvest.
  • Do you think they chose fertile ground in which to plant?
  • Do you think they thought about what they wanted to grow and for what purpose before they tilled the soil?
  • Do you think they pre-designed their garden and mapped it out?
  • Do you think they selected their seeds and placed them in sections in the garden according to their need for more sun or more shade?
  • Do you think they purchased seeds of high quality from reliable sources?
  • Do you think they spent time pulling weeds and protecting their garden from pests?
I hope you answered yes to all these questions! And I hope you realize, too, that there do exist many gardens that have had no planning, no design and no purpose.
They have their own beauty and allure. What kind of garden is your small business?
If you expect your small business to succeed, you must plant within it the seeds of success. And you must maintain your garden by daily pulling the weeds (negative thoughts), watering it with fertilizing nourishment (positive thoughts) and finally, harvesting its bounty at the right time, when it is ripe for picking. 
Here are 3 tips to create a small business that thrives through actions nourished by high quality seeds that reap reward and lead to your success:
1.   Make an inventory of the virtues/qualities/attitudes that you want to bring into your small business, whether you believe you possess them or not.
On your list should appear attitudes such as “I honor and keep my word,”
  • “I am committed to seeing a project through to the end,” “When I am unable to keep my word, I communicate a new promise,”
  • “I hold myself and others accountable,”
  • “I respect my clients and my vendors,”
  • “I own my mistakes and do whatever it takes to correct them,” “I proudly stand for my principles,”
  • “I courageously meet challenges,” and “I am flexible and forgiving with others.”
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description


Retaining employees can have a huge impact on your company. Dr. John Sullivan from San Francisco State University have found that employee retention can lead to huge changes to your turnover. As we all know, turnover is a huge issue and the ability to impact turnover is a key to increase stability, growth, and success. However, few employers have invested enough time and effort into retaining their employees. 
Neglecting employee retention will result in numerous negative impacts. When an employee leaves a position vacant, their work is either pushed onto their coworkers or left uncompleted, which results in the loss of productivity within the company. This also costs employers a significant amount of time as there will be paperwork to finish, exit interviews to execute, and tasks to reallocate. Furthermore, if a key employee were to leave your company, others might follow. It is also difficult to replace key employees. Click on here to learn more about the effects of retaining employees on your company’s turnovers. 
One of the most neglected activities in companies is giving new employee orientations. However, did you know that giving orientations is the first step to increasing your employee retention rate? Day one orientation is your company’s first true impression on a new employee. They may have gotten to know you a bit via interviews but it is on Day one that they get a feel for your business the first time. 
New employee orientations will not only reduce their anxiety, it will also save supervisors valuable time. New employees who have been properly introduced to their new jobs will be less likely to seek help while still producing quality results. Orientations also help set proper expectations for new employees and introduce them to the values and culture of the organization. Most importantly, orientations will make employees feel more valued by their employers. Take advantage of this opportunity and it will go a long way!  Click here   to learn more on how to give effective employee orientations.
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Tuesday, October 24, 2017


This is a continuation of our “Meet The Team” video updates.Today I sat down with Brandi Wheeler, one of our amazing Senior Recruiters. Brandi is awesome and we hope you enjoy the video!

Sunday, October 15, 2017


Brandi Wheeler, Jackie Kellam, Lance Winsaft
Two members of our San Diego recruiting team have been spending the week in New York City for AdWeek. Brandi Wheeler and Jackie Kellam have been enjoying the networking opportunities, conferences, talks, and meeting with many of our amazing clients. 
Networking is critical in any industry and events like AdWeek provide not only great opportunities to mingle and meet new people, but the educational aspect is a huge factor when we are deciding when and where to send our people. A multi-day event is always a much better investment as well.

Networking tips:

  • Always have plenty of business cards, and make sure they are up to date and high quality. Get as many cards in return as you can, follow up with everyone either via email or on LinkedIn, or both.
  • Don’t be a wallflower! Don’t be bashful about jumping into conversations that are already happening. Make eye contact, have a solid handshake. Have something quick and catchy to say about you and your business. Some thing like, “We are the most effective marketing recruiters in the country." 
  • Dress sharp. Your appearance is critical in face to face meetings and you get one chance to make a first impression.
  • Get to know people. Don’t use your conversation to only try and sell your product or service. Focus instead on building a rapport and relationship. People like doing business with people that they like.
  • Have fun! Networking is a chance to meet people and build relationships, do it as much as you can! 

Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Sunday, September 24, 2017


This is a continuation of our “Meet The Team” video updates. Today I sat down with Mark Kapov, one of our rockstar senior recruiters. Mark is an all around great guy!
More to come in the future with other team members.

Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Monday, September 11, 2017


Hi Everyone,
Lance Winsaft here - This is a quick video introduction of our Aldebaran Recruiting San Diego office team. We started to record a series of different videos that gives you a closer look at what our team looks like. 
We want everyone to put faces to our name. Hope you enjoy!

Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Monday, September 4, 2017


Below are my top three tips to bring truth and wisdom to your life so you can succeed in your business in the way that you have always dreamed possible:
1.   Spend at least 15 minutes a day in silence, 30 minutes is even better. 
This sounds easy and almost silly. But I can assure you that it is neither. We live in a very noisy world. Inside our head there is a voice that is constantly speaking to us, and it is not always saying positive things.
Our reality is shaped by the thoughts we entertain. Therefore, make sure to entertain only those thoughts that support your goals, your dreams, and your possibilities. In moments of silence we can reconnect with these ideals and find creative ways to think and speak them into existence.
Meditation is an amazing tool now being used by corporate executives across the globe. Join the movement!
2.   Stop each day to listen with your heart instead of with your head. 
Close your eyes and center your attention in your heart. Science is discovering that the heart holds an intelligence that is far greater than that of the brain.
The HeartMath Institute is studying heart intelligence and is providing “scientifically-validated and market-validated tools and technologies that activate the intelligence and power of the heart to dramatically reduce stress while empowering health, performance and behavioral change in individuals and organizations.” 
According to “Let Your Heart Talk to Your Brain,” a Huffington Post article by HeartMath, “… the human heart, in addition to its other functions, actually possesses a heart-brain composed of about 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, learn and remember.
The heart brain sends messages to the head brain about how the body feels and more. Use your heart to uncover the answers to the every day problems your business is experiencing!
3.   Use the power of your dreams to find solutions to complex problems. 
Often I have gone to sleep at night not knowing how to handle a certain problem in my business, only to wake up with the perfect solution.
I’m sure you have experienced this too. Dreams carry messages from our subconscious.
These messages, when accurately interpreted can bring amazing insight and information to us. Nobel Prize laureate Otto Loewi dreamed about the experiment, which would prove his idea that nerve impulses are chemically transmitted!
Practice these techniques to eliminate worry and to bring full clarity to those situations that ultimately actually do require expertise beyond your own level of knowledge. In other words, use experts only when you have exhausted your own Inner fountain of information.
Believe in yourself. You are more powerful and more knowledgeable than you can comprehend!
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Saturday, August 26, 2017


Consultants are expensive. When you contract a consultant, you are paying for expertise that you do not have.
This can be very valuable. Indeed, I have benefited greatly from “selling” my knowledge to those that do not know what I know. And I have earned every bit of financial reward gained through helping others where they lacked information necessary to succeed in one area or another.
Looking to experts for knowledge is very helpful, especially when you are an entrepreneur interested in success.
One might say that it is impossible to know everything that one needs to know in order to run a successful business, whatever size it may be. And this would be true. Except when it’s not.
Sometimes we look to experts because we lack confidence in ourselves or because we do not believe that we know the answers to the questions we seek. At times we may even know what we need to know but we lack the courage to execute. In these instances we are paying a price for ignoring that we actually know more than we think we do.
Or, that we are capable of achieving great things through sheer perseverance alone, for example.
No matter how technical, no matter how complicated a problem, what if you could tap into a universal source of information that would allow you to connect with what you need in order to thrive in your business?
Maybe we can’t download information about how to fly a helicopter the way the character Trinity in the movie The Matrix does, but I believe we all have access to an infinite amount of knowledge that is stored in the universal memory banks. This information is accessible through our intention.
The human mind is an incredible machine capable of receiving and already possessing much more information than we can ever imagine.
Science is teaching us through quantum physics that all knowledge is stored within the very DNA housed in our cells. By activating our so-called “Junk DNA,” we are able to discover the unlimited potential we have within us to create and manipulate the universe.
We have only to set aside our limiting beliefs, step into our full power and trust in the capacity we have to move through every opportunity with wisdom and grace. For entrepreneurs, there is no greater challenge than to understand the seemingly complex nature of the structure of a business.
Key questions we face as small business owners:
-What makes a business succeed?
-How can technology be used to empower the very structure of our business?
-How can we wisely utilize human capital to support our profitability?
-What are the financial models that work for us? How can we establish credibility for our brand?
-What limits us in causing our business to succeed at the level of our wildest dreams?
These are all questions we face daily as business owners.
Most of us do not believe we can answer these questions on our own. And often when we try, we fail. Fear gets in the way, belief systems we acquire in our childhood, such as “I am not good enough” or “there must be something wrong with me,” stand in the way of our success.
If we can put aside these limiting patterns in our behavior and in our mindset, we will begin to utilize the Inner Knowing that we have come here with and that we have acquired through the evolutionary process of our species. First, we must believe in ourselves and then we must trust that we CAN have this access!
Everyone has experienced what is called an “aha moment.”
These moments of enlightened truth come to us from the very source of Inner Knowing that I am referring to. Usually these aha moments occur randomly in our lives.
And when they do we are often astonished and amazed at the truth and wisdom within them. How can we cause aha moments to come to us at will?
How can we conspire with the source of Inner Knowing to bring truth and wisdom to our experience whenever we choose?

Lance Winsaft San Diego Blog
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Lily Winsaft On The Brink Of Getting Published – First Novel, See Link! - Lance Winsaft San Diego

Wake the F*ck Up
A Young Man’s Souljourn


Young people are faced with all kinds of turbulent experiences. So many of our children today are battling depression, anxiety and addiction. Suicide rates among children and young adults is skyrocketing. This is alarming. We must teach our young people that suffering is not necessary. We must teach them to wake up to their true light, to their divine potential!

This story is based on the real experiences of a young man who suffered an unspeakable life from a very early age. It was an age in which what he should have been experiencing was bedtime stories, birthday parties, and Little League. Instead, Daniel was repeatedly abused and neglected, eventually becoming a ward of the state of Massachusetts . . . a state that ultimately allows him to fall through the cracks. 

His journey to enlightenment serves as an inspiration for all of humanity.
Lily Winsaft spent over 25 years in corporate America and owns a recruiting company that is currently managed by her oldest son. She studied psychology in college and was raised in a home where metaphysics was the backbone of all teachings. Reincarnation, karma, the chakra system, astrology, mythology, clairvoyance, etc. were all family suppertime topics.  

She had a very interesting adolescence and young adulthood in which she practiced meditation, yoga, dreamwork, and out-of- body travel. Later, her professional career focused on Sales, Recruiting, and Coaching (Career, Executive and Life). She is an entrepreneur at heart and an aspiring writer. 
In her early 40’s she became a certified ThetaHealing practitioner and has witnessed hundreds of energy healings. Lily is also a highly skilled Akashic Records reader and regularly teaches classes at the Jamar Enlightenment Center in Palm Beach Gardens. Her soul’s purpose in this lifetime is to be of service to humanity by helping people remember who they are and why they are here. She facilitates Transformational Breath sessions, teaches the DreamWorker™ Protocol & Technique (a process she created), leads meditations and is an avid beach walker. 
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Friday, August 4, 2017


Salary isn’t everything, although yes it is important. There are many ways to negotiate a strong offer, and one should always keep in mind that the main focus should be “is this the right career move for me?” Too often do candidates get caught in a myopic view of an offer and lose sight of the big picture. Don’t focus only on numbers; things like bonuses, health benefits, growth potential, company culture, flex days, location, company reputation, and other perks can paint a much bigger picture and taking everything into account is paramount for making a powerful decision. 
There are so many opinions about how to properly negotiate an offer. We see a lot of younger candidates go overboard and ask for too much money, or over-negotiate their offer. Being unreasonable does not make you look good and can put a sour taste in a potential employers mouth very quickly. Be smart and keep in mind there is always a difference between your market value and “actual” value. Think abut what you are asking for and remember keep in mind the big picture. Working with a recruiter is always ideal as recruiters can typically negotiate the best offer on your behalf without stepping on toes.
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Wednesday, August 2, 2017


What do you think is one of the biggest mistakes candidates make while interviewing? One very common mistake we see candidates make time and again is that they don’t let their enthusiasm and excitement for the role and company really shine through during their interview. Hiring mangers want to hire team members that are enthusiastic and excited about joining their team and company. So next time you interview, make sure you do your homework and let that enthusiasm come through!
An interview is an interview in both directions. As a candidate it’s important to ask questions to feel out the opportunity and company as a fit for yourself; asking questions also shows you are interested and engaged in the opportunity, something employers love! When you do your research ask yourself what would be important to know for you to gauge if this is the right role and company for you. Be sure also to review the job description and be prepared to ask specific questions about the day to day aspects of the role; be prepared as well to speak to examples of your experience related to the job and job desertion. 
Interviewing is an art and no matter how good you are at what you do, being a poor interviewer can cost you a solid role that is perfect for you. Don’t make the mistake of thinking your experience and personality will carry the day; although it will take you a long way, you need everything for a competitive edge.
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z, interviews, coaching, job description

Thursday, June 15, 2017


With so much negative thought out there on the millennial generation it’s good to see more articles looking at the millennial generation holistically – and I’m not talking about a defense of the generation. Does the millennial generation deserve to be vilified? No. Do millennials need to be responsible for how they operate in the world? Yes.
There seems to be a pervasive pattern that every generation always has a similar response to the upcoming generation: conform or get out. I think saying one generation or the other should conform is a dangerous road to go down. The current workforce is not “right” and millennials are not “right”. The question is how do people, old and young, work together in an ever-evolving landscape?
“Adapting to the workforce as it is” is a a dangerous sentiment on it’s own – you can’t resist change and evolution my friends! I think it’s important to note I’m not taking sides, my whole point is taking sides is stupid – it’s a fault of being a human that brings all the suffering we have today. Figure out how to work and grow together – we would be in a very different planet right now.
Millennials do need to be responsible for many things as they are entering the workforce; we see a very common naiveté among millennial candidates that often translates to or is interpreted a lack of professionalism and sometimes a sort of selfishness. Millennials need to make sure they are acting appropriate to the situation they are in, honoring the other people around them instead of living and acting from their own little self-centered bubble.
Conversely, companies need to be adapting their cultures, office environments, perks, incentives, growth opportunities, communication structures, and compensation packages to attract and retain the absolute rockstars that the millennial generation is producing. Companies like Google, Amazon, and Apple are reaping the benefits of this strategy.
Bottom line, if we all adapt and look from working together in ways that empower and support everyone, then maybe we can create the strongest and most productive workforce yet!
Keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, sales, pr, public relations, business, financial, hiring, ad agency, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach, lance winsaft, lily winsaft, Aldebaran Recruiting, corporate politics, customers, client, digital marketing, negotiation, small business, salary, candidates, cpa, millennials, generation z

Sunday, June 11, 2017


In the very beginning I worked almost eighteen hours a day. It was not a pretty sight, to say the least. As the business got more stabilized, actually, as I personally got more stabilized…it became apparent if I didn’t work on balancing my life with my work that I would burn out.
One way I made sure to do this was to speak publicly about the importance of work-life balance to any women’s group that would listen. It needed to be talked about it publicly and I had to be that person!
One of my best experiences was while leading a women’s organization in support of Latinas working in various business capacities.
We had a board member who worked for Macy’s at the time. They sponsored a fashion show and we all had a chance to walk the runway and feel special as women.
We were strutting our stuff and showing the world that business is not just about closing deals and carrying a briefcase.
I also spoke to a large group of Latinas with their own businesses at a conference on the Queen Mary in Long Beach California. My topic was about “Putting Yourself First” and how important that is in order to have the energy to be there for both our businesses and our families.
Whenever possible I do walk my talk and try to get away on little vacations. My favorite activities are hiking and traveling. Last summer I spent six weeks in Europe with my two sisters. It was amazing.
When I relocated from Atlanta with my son Lance Winsaft, I had to say goodbye to Stone Mountain where I hiked pretty regularly. Once I actually ran into a client and took a picture together. I also had to say goodbye to the Chattahoochee River where I used to trail jog every weekend off at Columns Drive in East Cobb. I really miss both and can’t wait to revisit you in the near future!
keywords: executive recruiting, recruiting, advertising, marketing, media, san diego, miami, atlanta, new york, los angeles, chicago, san francisco, long beach