Below are my top three tips to bring truth and wisdom to your life so you can succeed in your business in the way that you have always dreamed possible:
1. Spend at least 15 minutes a day in silence, 30 minutes is even better.
This sounds easy and almost silly. But I can assure you that it is neither. We live in a very noisy world. Inside our head there is a voice that is constantly speaking to us, and it is not always saying positive things.
Our reality is shaped by the thoughts we entertain. Therefore, make sure to entertain only those thoughts that support your goals, your dreams, and your possibilities. In moments of silence we can reconnect with these ideals and find creative ways to think and speak them into existence.
Meditation is an amazing tool now being used by corporate executives across the globe. Join the movement!
2. Stop each day to listen with your heart instead of with your head.
Close your eyes and center your attention in your heart. Science is discovering that the heart holds an intelligence that is far greater than that of the brain.
The HeartMath Institute is studying heart intelligence and is providing “scientifically-validated and market-validated tools and technologies that activate the intelligence and power of the heart to dramatically reduce stress while empowering health, performance and behavioral change in individuals and organizations.”
According to “Let Your Heart Talk to Your Brain,” a Huffington Post article by HeartMath, “… the human heart, in addition to its other functions, actually possesses a heart-brain composed of about 40,000 neurons that can sense, feel, learn and remember.
The heart brain sends messages to the head brain about how the body feels and more. Use your heart to uncover the answers to the every day problems your business is experiencing!
3. Use the power of your dreams to find solutions to complex problems.
Often I have gone to sleep at night not knowing how to handle a certain problem in my business, only to wake up with the perfect solution.
I’m sure you have experienced this too. Dreams carry messages from our subconscious.
These messages, when accurately interpreted can bring amazing insight and information to us. Nobel Prize laureate Otto Loewi dreamed about the experiment, which would prove his idea that nerve impulses are chemically transmitted!
Practice these techniques to eliminate worry and to bring full clarity to those situations that ultimately actually do require expertise beyond your own level of knowledge. In other words, use experts only when you have exhausted your own Inner fountain of information.
Believe in yourself. You are more powerful and more knowledgeable than you can comprehend!
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