Saturday, February 10, 2018


Turnover is known to be the biggest expense to companies throughout the nation. At Aldebaran Recruiting we have one of the highest retention rates you will ever come across for when placing candidates. What’s our secret you may ask? It simple. We listen to our candidates. Money is not the only motivating factor for a lot of the workforce nowadays. 
Companies have been making it a point to work on their “Corporate Sustainability”. Corporate Sustainability is a strategy that takes into account how a business operates ethically, socially, environmentally and economically. Successfully working on corporate culture and making a conscious adoption of a company mission make your company appealing to workforces world wide.
Becoming apart of a company that makes a difference and has a reputation of having Corporate Sustainability is what millenials today are looking for. By 2025, millennials will make up three-quarters of the workforce so the needs what they are looking for is important to understand. There has been skyrocketing statics that prove millenials are not motivated by money anymore, they are motivated by culture and change.
What we do here as recruiters at Aldebaran is understand the wants and needs from our candidates and clients, then make the match. There is a shift in what the workforce looks for in a company to work for. When shifts happen we adjust and learn new wants and needs.
To learn more about Company Sustainability, check out this great article Why Corporate Sustainability Should Matter to Recruiters. 

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